Online Appointments
Online Appointment booking:
Book Appointment at North Tamborine
Book Appointment at Eagle Heights
This is a free service designed to provide secure, convenient 24/7 access to managing appointments with your doctor. The system allows you to book and cancel appointments with the doctors at Tamborine Mountain Medical Practice.
Online Test results:
This service allows you request your test results online from home. A $15 fee applies to this service.
Online prescription renewals:
As an existing patient of the practice it is possible to arrange some repeat prescriptions online. A standard fee of $15 applies to this service. As a pre-requisite it is essential that you are requesting a repeat prescription, have visited one of our Doctors within the past 3 months and are not requesting a drug of addiction.
There is a 48 hour wait associated with this service so if your situation is urgent it is essential that you call the surgery. Once approved the script can be sent as an escript, mailed to an address of your choice, faxed or emailed to a Chemist or picked up from the surgery after 48 hours. If your doctor recommends that you require an examination prior to the issuing of a prescription, you will be contacted via email and no payment will be processed.
Online referrals:
As an existing patient of the practice it is possible to arrange referrals online. A standard fee of $15 applies to this service. It is available for referrals to specialists you have seen before. For referrals involving new health problems, you will need to book an appointment with your doctor. Referrals must be requested in advance of your specialist appointment as it is illegal to back date referrals. There is a 48 hour wait associated with this service and the referral can be picked up from the surgery, mailed, faxed/emailed or downloaded directly to the specialist.
Telehealth Consultations:
These can be booked with your GP by phone or or the AMS Connect app. Standard fees apply.