General Medical Care
- All general medical care
- Allergy testing
- Antenatal and Postnatal care
- Baby Clinic
- Children’s development and behaviour management
- Chronic disease management
- Drug and alcohol
- Family Planning including Implanon insertion, and IUD insertion
- Health Assessments
- Injury and simple fracture management
- Immunisations
- Lung function and cardiac testing
- Men’s health
- Mental Health and counselling
Minor surgery
Mirena Insertion
Palliative care
Pre-employment medical
Preventive Health
Sexual Health
Skin clinic – skin checks, skin lesion photography, skin cancer surgery
Smoking Cessation
Weight management
Women’s health
Work cover
Wound care
Services Information
Nursing Services
- RN Lauren Bryant
- RN Natalie Cvelbar
- RN Judith Jaeger
- RN Delilah Sawden
- RN Angela Schafroth
- TMMP have 6 Registered Nurses, and 1 enrolled nurse, who are able to provide a wide range of services.
These include monitoring & advice for people with diabetes, heart disease, health information, antenatal checks, infant vaccinations, child developmental checks, support & advice to parents, lactation advice, cervical screening, spirometry, ECG and INR tests.
In order to maintain the potency of vaccines patients are advised to purchase private vaccines immediately prior to administration by the nurse or doctor so that they are out of the fridge for the shortest possible time.